Emotional Transmutation 101

The Three Powers

Changing consciousness from the bottom up. Unconsciousness to Enthusiasm, and everything in between.

Principle# 3- What we resist persists.

It is important to be aware of projection through thought, word and emotion.

When we hold a thought pattern attached to one side of a duality to the opposition or exclusion to the other, we create and hold resistance to both sides. Some are very virtuous which lends itself to justification which cement the pattern further.

These thought patterns, beliefs, attachments create emotion.

The emotional map of 7X7 (49) assists us in the navigation upward through the transmutation (evolutionary) process.

Study this further here. Emotion- Doorways to Change

In wholistic evolution, the physical holds the foundation providing vitality for increased opportunity for emotion to surface. From here we learn the Art (flow) and Science (methodology) of Transmutation (change).

There are 3 POWERFUL energies, when applied WITH emotion, transmutes resistance (anything less than love). This allows the release of disharmonious energies. This release clears energetic and cellular structures. What remains is awareness of the higher frequencies revealed.

I call these energies The Three Powers.

Forgiveness Gratitude Love

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