The Gnostic Way Creed
The Gnostic Way are Canadian men and women who are committed to personal freedom. As sovereign beings, we are free to follow our conscience and free to claim personal bodily autonomy. We claim the freedom to travel and to move freely on the land. We claim God given freedoms of spiritual practice, faith and community.
Gnosis means (inner) knowing. This comes through study, experience and the conscious connection to clear intuition.
We begin to deepen our awareness of inner wisdom through physical principles (right action), and the transmutation (consciousness change) of thought, word and emotion. From here we develop selfless service. This is the evolutionary path.
In this way we develop an openness to ever deepening spiritual awareness.
Individual freedom (nonresistance) creates a wholesome life which leads to healthy community;
Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.
Through cohesive community we continue to rise into greater awareness of love, compassion, beauty, goodness and joy.
The evolution of consciousness is a continuous process of transmuting resistance (anything less than love). By the consistent release of resistance, we perpetuate consciousness change.
By Love, For Love.
From here life flourishes with creativity, inspiration, grace and most of all Love.
The Gnostic Way is a registered not for profit religious organization, that meets the qualifications of the Canadian government. I did this to assist people with religious exemptions during a time of mandated injections. 100’s of exemptions were given free of charge that kept people from loosing their jobs, from travelling (some of which was to get back to their families), and perhaps from injury or death. It was a small part to play, but had rewarding results. Eventually the government in Canada changed the ‘law’ to refuse the acceptance of most medical and all religious exemptions. We persevere.