Testimonial to Illia’s Work

I have benefited from Illia’s work, specifically Body Electronics Intensives for nearly two decades.

As a young mother, the teachings she shares assisted me greatly in processing the trauma and grief of the loss of my mother. Her example of mothering her own four children, set an example that inspired me to raise my own family in a wholistic way.

Since that time I have participated in countless sessions, lectures, Pointholding Intensives, and spiritual pilgrimages led by Illia. These included Body Electronics Intensives in Sedona AZ, Mt. Shasta CA, Maui HI, and Salt Spring Island, BC.

Traveling with Illia is a joy and a teaching in and of itself. I have learned that the work is both simple and deeply layered, beautiful and intense.

One of Illia’s gifts is her ability to help stimulate the awareness of one’s resisted memories, emotions, and word patterns and to facilitate the personal work of “feeling what you feel with Love.” This is best experienced in person, during an Intensive led by Illia, with a group of willing and committed participants, but it is also a daily, ongoing process of unfolding that Illia supports through her website, videos, webinars and personal consultations.

In these times, each of us has a tremendous personal responsibility to our own evolution.

I strongly encourage anyone on the path of evolving consciousness, to engage with Illia’s teachings and to connect with her personally.

Her authenticity, wisdom, and experience are gifts to our collective evolution and consciousness change.

Rose Canino, Artist

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