Higher and lower law- application of law.
On the 10 steps to ‘perfection'(natural law without resistance). originally written by JWR- Added to by Illia
Find the 10 steps in The Body Electronics Experience
Ten Steps toward Perfection
Book 1- Logic In Sequence- JWR
STEP ONE: Faith.
The first step is faith, which has been described to
you as
“the assurance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen. “This could be expressed
another way:”through the acquisition of knowledge one foresees
as having already happened the everpresent now”.
One must have an increasing depth of perceptive
awareness in the now to understand the deepening
aspects of faith. It requires an act of faith to
acknowledge the yin energies of life as the end result
of the creative aspects of man.Responsibility is claiming the perceptual nowness as
one’s own creation, which is only the first step of
STEP TWO: Virtue.
The second step to perfection is to
appropriately apply the laws of God, carefully moving
from the appropriate application of the lower laws to
higher laws.
Responsibility is the obtaining of the law and then
coming to the understanding of the law by
maintaining the law through application.The application of law through faith is known as
virtue. Virtue is faithfully being obedient to the law
from which one derives knowledge.
STEP THREE: Knowledge
The third step to perfection is to come to the
understanding of the law through application, which
results in knowledge.Knowledge can only come from experience.
Knowledge cannot be bought as an intellectual
curiosity in the market place but must be earned
through the assiduous application of law.Knowledge can only be obtained through faithful
compliance with the law.
STEP FOUR: Temperance.
The fourth step to perfection is
understanding that there are higher and lower laws
and understanding when to apply them to oneself and
to others. This is known as temperance. Wisdom
dictates when one obeys a lower law or a higher law.Whenever a higher law is obeyed it necessitates
breaking a lower law with the corresponding penalty
for breaking a lower law. A lower law should never be
broken unless it is “covered” by obedience to a
higher law.
Temperance, then, is wisdom self-applied to a given
condition demanding attention resulting in choices or
alternatives of solution.
STEP FIVE: Patience.
The fifth step is patience. Here is where one lovingly
and willingly allows the joyous antics of a free soul to
move toward, ultimate perfection according to the
dictates of his own conscious and at this own rate of
speed. Each pathway is planned to be traveled
according to the unique rhythm of that individual
The free agency of the soul is to be honored and
respected and never denied as long as the actions do
not interfere with the free agency of another.
STEP SIX: Brotherly/ Sisterly Kindness:
The sixth step is brotherly kindness, which simply is
the exercise of the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you.” This is true as
long as we can place ourselves fully into the viewpoint
and understanding of the other with his/her
expectations and conditions, and his/her level of
awareness of enduring ability to the experiences of
STEP SEVEN: Godliness.
The seventh step is Godliness, the ability to
administer the law as a mother and a father would
administer the law to his or her own children.In this arena of responsibility all is designed for the
gradual release of the soul from restriction as one
helps the other to help himself.
One disciplines lovingly until that individual can
discipline oneself. One helps the individual become
more proficient at the choice of his own interest,
directing that interest until it encompasses every
phase of life’s activity without resistance.
STEP EIGHT: Charity.
The eighth step to perfection is charity, the pure love
of the inner Christlight, continually manifested
through every outer act with no conditions or
expectations. Only love is manifested, ever sustained
and ever outflowing, with no judgement, as love can
only come from non-resistance and discernment.
STEP NINE: Humility.
The ninth step is humility. One is humble when there
is no longer separation but a recognition from a
multidimensional point of view and a multiple
viewpoint of consideration that all is one. That all is
one continuous, uninterrupted cause of life which is
simultaneously cause and effect and there are no
All is perfect divine order.
This is the beginning of understanding the true
position of “Unity in Diversity”.
STEP TEN: Diligence.
The tenth step to perfection is obtained after each of
the prior steps toward perfection. The tenth step is
diligence. One cannot be truly diligent, therefore one
cannot be truly responsible until all steps are
mastered in sequence, indicating mastery of our
linear thinking capacity and then, finally, as a mastery
of our hologramic oneness encompassing the
appropriate simultaneous yin/ yang activity in each
event of life as it is served up sequentially as the
condition demands. Responsibility, therefore, is the
qualities of perfection appropriately applied in our
lives, individually and collectively, as we love,
communicate, and create while we dance the dance of
life. The Law of Right Action leads one step by step
to perfection and the full application of responsibility.
One must first of all receive before one can give. One
must first of all serve apprenticeship before one can
be released to be a master. One must first of all be
willing to be the effect before he/she can become
cause, then simultaneously cause and effect.