
What we resist persists. A famous statement, spoken by Jung and many others. What does this mean? In Body Electronics we measure levels of resistance in electrical terms. It (thought, word and emotion)can be measured by a sensitive galvanometer.

Resistance is anything less than love.

Wholistically speaking, we have physical, emotional, mental and spiritual resistance.

Levels of resistance that we discover, allow access to the level of power required to transmute it.


This access increases as we increasingly transmute resistance.

If we continue to hold our pain and trauma in a state of judgement, we are perpetuating more of the same.

How do we transcend this?

Physically- Stillness, Breath, amping cellular capacity through nutrition and ceasing unhealthy habits.

Emotionally- with the Three Powers

Mentally with the Light of Transmutation

Spiritually with the guidance of Intuition and the power of surrender.

Active internal listening.

Consciousness change through applied transmutation.

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