This education is built within the wholistic construct. The cornerstones of wholism are:
Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual.
These sessions are specific for woman who are seeking eldership, regardless of age. By eldership I mean stepping forward to assist others on the path of wholistic health and consciousness. In the present birth of the Aquarian age, women are taking the lead for the changes that are destined to come. With loving wisdom as our ally we remove obstacles (patterns)on our path. From here others open to hear you. Sharing is the sacred circle of giving and receiving. In grace.
I welcome you.
Offered though Zoom
One hour- $100
Here are some thoughts.
“Illia has a natural ability to bring to the surface, subconscious patterns for our perusal and edification.” Zach Lang~ Alberta, Canada
“To people who may hear this, specifically friends and clients of the work of Illia Heart- this is a resounding letter of support based on my travel/healing experiences with her. I feel to paint a picture of what I have witnessed, of the wisdom and knowledge Illia embodies. From her vantage point , the regenerative potentiality of the human body is the hope and wonder of healing. Wholistic health may be accessed- harnessed within a very comprehensive systematic approach. With a willingness to experience the contents of our own consciousness, to edit and refine- begins the process. Illia carries the honesty, compassion and discernment, necessary to hold the energy around and to facilitate profound healing. She shares practical methods with light heart. Illia is a joyful presence/catalyst of self-discovery mixed with a hearty dash of whimsy, childlike wonder of the miraculous opportunity we have as humans here on Earth. In my early initiations into Illia’s work, I chose to be part of a 22 day journey in Sedona, Arizona. This time had the side-effect of numerous spontaneous magical unfoldings instilling a deep appreciation of precious life. An example of personal responsibility within the healing process, Illia is also a tangible reminder that each of us is miraculous in life, in love, simply by being human. Life is ecstatic.” Aeron McKenna- Fiber Artist~ Cedar Snail Textiles
Blessings, Illia