The Seven Direction Medicine Wheel~ Part 2
The Seven Direction Medicine Wheel
Part 2- An Inner Journey
A practice for aligning ourselves with Earth- Nature/ Natural Law, the Sun & the Great Central Sun.
Connect the Seven Directions of the externalized Medicine Wheel
- South to Center
- West to Center
- North to Center
- East to Center
- South to Center
- Below to Center
- Above to Center
- Connect all to the Center in the body.
Visualize the octahedron surrounded by a sphere that contains the wheel.
Be aware of the connection in the heart center of the body with the heart center of the medicine wheel.
Then become aware of the earth’s heart.
Feel the love you have for the earth.
Feel the love the earth has for you.
With this loving state connect with the sun’s center/heart.
Then connect your body, the medicine wheel, the center of the earth, the center of the sun to the Center /Heart of the Great Central Sun, center of the Milky Way Galaxy where we presently reside.
Visualize the connection with golden light.
This takes practice.
As we do, the love expands with the awareness of the connection with all life everywhere.
Center Direction~ We Give Thanks to the Keepers of the Heart
The Star Nations assisting us in a Good Way.
~ South Direction~
~ Earth~ Physical~ Cedar~ Summer
Earth contains the element of Fire
In the South, we learn to ask. The art of permission. Praying with Sacred Tobacco (within every direction), we ask for guidance, for healing. Connecting within the Earth. It is an awareness to be asking internally and paying attention to the intuition. The part of us connected with all things. Electromagnetic fields (torroidal) work in perfect harmony. We often refer to Earth as a Feminine Being. It is nurturing, innocent and ever flowing nature gives us this ‘feminine’ feeling. We honour all things feminine within us, that lead the way into new growth, new awareness. The loving all encompassing Nature within the Earth and all living Beings.
In the South we honour the summer, all things fertile. The new growth from the regenerative power of winter. The Fire within stirs and fuels the outer experience of creativity. The outer Fire- the Sun burns brightly to perfectly feed the living planet of Earth and all its inhabitants. The Sacred Medicine of Cedar is the gift of the South Direction, the spirit of letting go, makes way for healthy growth.
We Give Thanks to the Helpers of the South.
The Condor keeps watch for what needs to be cleaned up. And then it takes action to do the cleaning.
We keep the fire of digestion burning strong by eating less and light in summer. We come together in celebrations.
Here in the South we let go of old patterns and habits that are no longer appropriate and addictions that distract us from moving forward and being present (this is an ongoing process). Release resentments, anger and hatred toward our self and our experiences in life. We do this with the Power of Forgiveness, Love and Gratitude for All Things-all experience.
The South can be related to Mouse Medicine, scrutinizing- looking closely within, especially if we tend not to. See the little things to be grateful for, life is full of them.
Being attentive, listening/receiving Pachamama (Earth) is honouring the Feminine aspect within. We give back our love like an innocent child giving a gift to Mama, its not the gift that is important, it is the energy with which it is given. As women we respect and honour ourselves. As men we respect and honour the feminine aspects of ourselves- spontaneity, joyfulness, inclusive, nurturing. We listen carefully to our sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, Elder Women.
The Red Race
It is said that the Traditional Leaders of the red race of people will lead the rainbow race (all peoples of earth), in the ‘earth changes’. All people of earth have the red race within them, as well as the black, white, and yellow race. We look within to the Red Race, and ask the Loving guiding Ancestors to assist in our remembering of life in harmony with Nature, which then results in harmony with each other.
The teachings that we are Nature, and how to live in Harmony within natural law.
There are Medicine People within the Red Race who have held the Ceremonies on Earth, and passed them from generation to generation. The Maori in New Zealand, the Andean in Peru, the Kogi in Columbia, The Maya in Central America, the Hopi in America, the Annishinaabe in Canada, to name a few. Some of these people are being called to open the Ceremony and Teachings to the rainbow race (all people regardless of colour), as the Rainbow Prophesy (one people) unfolds.
The requirement is a sincere heart, the art of asking, and receiving. Giving and sharing.
The Physical
The South is related to the physical, our body- Nature in all its form.
Being conscious of the nutrition and the water quality is honoring our body. Being perfectly STILL, and breathing consciously without pause are meditations in physical mastery.
We Honour the South Direction~
The West Direction
Water– Emotion- Sage- Ripening- Black Race- Bear
Emotional Transmutation~
Applied enthusiasm is feeling love, while feeling any other emotion. Feel WHAT you feel WITH Love~ This is a principle of transmutation. EXAMPLE~ Feeling anger and loving how it feels. Willingness to intensify, without projection.
The increase in awareness of love is realized as emotional movement occurs. This is experienced by willingly feeling and enthusiastically encompassing all feeling with the active energy of Forgiveness and Love. When emotion flows without resistance (judgement) energy moves naturally. As we traverse the emotional body, from a position of increasing awareness, we keep vigilant watch on our reactivity. Be aware of the temptation to project or involve others, particularly when another is the trigger for the emotional response. Be in gratitude for the other (this takes practice!). We choose individually every experience in life, consciously or unconsciously and everything in between. All physical sensation and emotion felt with Forgiveness Love and Gratitude allows for increased flow- less suppression.
Thus healing occurs.
When we find ourselves in emotional reactivity in daily life, have compassion for self, forgiveness for self, Love for self, then extend that to ALL.
Judgement cannot exist in the presence of
love, forgiveness and gratitude.
The Black Race-Africa
Dogon and the Sirius Connection~
We give Thanks to the Keepers of the West~
The North Direction
Air- Mental- Sweetgrass- Regenerating/Winter- White Race- Eagle
The message of the Eagle and the Condor~
Meditation is an excellent exercise in clearing the mind and focusing the intent.
A Writing on Meditation~
~by Paramahansa Yogananda
Author of Autobiography of a Yogi
“Most of us are looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment. We are living in a world that conditions us to believe that outer attainments can give us what we want. Yet again and again our experiences show us that nothing external can completely fulfill the deep longing within for “something more.” Most of the time, however, we find ourselves striving toward that which always seems to lie just beyond our reach. We are caught up in doing rather than being, in action rather than awareness. It is hard for us to picture a state of complete calmness and repose in which thoughts and feelings cease to dance in perpetual motion. Yet it is through such a state of quietude that we can touch a level of joy and understanding impossible to achieve otherwise. It is said in the Bible: “Be still and know that I am God.” In these few words lies the key to the science of Yoga. This ancient spiritual science offers a direct means of stilling the natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of body that prevent us from knowing what we really are. Ordinarily our awareness and energies are directed outward, to the things of this world, which we perceive through the limited instruments of our five senses. Because human reason has to rely upon the partial and often deceptive data supplied by the physical senses, we must learn to tap deeper and more subtle levels of awareness if we would solve the enigmas of life. Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct perception no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth.
By practicing the step-by-step methods of Yoga taking nothing for granted on emotional grounds or through blind faith we come to know our oneness with the Infinite Intelligence, Power, and Joy which gives life to all and which is the essence of our own Self. In past centuries many of the higher techniques of Yoga were little understood or practiced, owing to mankind’s limited knowledge of the forces that run the universe. But today scientific investigation is rapidly changing the way we view ourselves and the world. The traditional materialistic conception of life has vanished with the discovery that matter and energy are essentially one: every existing substance can be reduced to a pattern or form of energy, which interacts and interconnects with other forms.
Some of today’s most celebrated physicists go a step further, identifying consciousness as the fundamental ground of all being. Thus modern science is confirming the ancient principles of Yoga, which proclaim that unity pervades the universe. The word yoga itself means “union”: of the individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Though many people think of yoga only as physical exercises — the asanas or postures that have gained widespread popularity in recent decades — these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.”
We Honour The North Direction~
The East Direction
Spirit- Prana- Tobacco- Illumination- Spring- Yellow Race- Mountain Lion The morning light, the new day, filled with inspiration and joy.
The east offers new beginnings hope and creativity. Deepening spiritual practice, and connecting deeply within one’s self. The Medicine of the Buddha and Kuan Yin offers meditative practice in conscious awareness.
Within the multi-dimensional universe within which we live, we are provided ‘Helpers’. These helpers are attracted to us in resonance to our specific and individual frequency. This frequency is in constant flux, yet unless we leap to a new level of consciousness (up or down), we maintain the same helpers. These friends in the unseen world are in direct relation to our Energy Field. The auric field around our body which vibrates the mental and emotional energy we perpetuate. Patterns upon patterns lie here, until released. Get honest, get loving, serve wherever you see a calling. See the Body Electronics pages for clearing through consciousness change.
Ask for the Loving Guidance of the Helpers who are there for the Highest and Best ‘Good’, and ask all other energies to go where they are best serving in Love and Respect.
In the East we practice being the teacher. A great student makes for a great teacher. We go around and around the Sacred Hoop, deepening our experience, so we grow and expand our awareness to encompass compassion, unconditional love, unity, friendliness, joy. Ripening our gifts so when we come back to the East we share the uniqueness of who we are with our brothers and sisters.
We Honour The East Direction~
The Center Direction-
The heart of the magnetic pulse that connects all~
Consciousness honouring Unity in Diversity. All Heart Centers are connected, it is in conscious realization of this connection that we ask the Medicine Wheel to gracefully show us.
We give Thanks to the Center Direction~
The Below Direction- Heart connection to Earth
The Above Direction- Heart connection to Sun
The Octahedron~ Within the Heart of All ~
A Medicine Wheel practice of conscious connection~
Walk around the Wheel and deepen the awareness each time. If your MW is small, take the walk internally as a meditation. Within our Heart we realign with the Center Direction of the Wheel as we connect with each of the Four Corners beginning in the South, moving Sunwise around the Sacred Hoop-
From Center of the MW to the Center of Earth~
From Center of the Earth to the Center of Sun-
Back to Center of the Medicine Wheel being aware of the connection within the heart center of your body.
Connecting from Center (heart) to The Great Central Sun~ The center of our galaxy.
The Great Electromagnetic Pulse connecting all of Nature in the Third Dimensional Realm.
~ Love-Respect-Courage-Honesty-Wisdom-Humility-Truth~
We Give Thanks to the Keepers of the Seven Directions.
The Loving Star Nations that assist us in a Good Way.