Thought Word & Emotion

Enjoy the crescendo of energies.

Let us look ever more closely at the attachment we place in thought word and emotion. Where do we cling (judge) one side of a duality to the exclusion/suppression of the other.

What do we do after the attachment/ judgements are discovered?

Find all three creative aspects that correlate, THOUGHT (memory) WORDS (vibration) EMOTION and LOVE, forgive and be grateful for everything we find.

Eventually, the inner Flame will make itself known, and when it does employ it to burn away anything less than love.

Truly, with depth of willingness, will and desire.

This is called ‘uncreation’ through transmutation.

When we find both sides we have entered the mental body for our perusal and edification. Where ‘positive/negative’, ‘good/evil’, etc. make their presence known. See the many layers of judgement we have attached to this. Encompass with, and direct the Violet Fire.

Find resistance. Forgive, Love and be Grateful with what arises. Even when stimulated by outer circumstances.

From here we gradually merge from the binary (dualistic) thought forms into the quantum field. This is assisted through Grace both inside and out.

I saw major shifts in 1987 again in 2005, yet again in 2020.

From the quantum field we begin to see immediate response to our thought, word and emotion. From here there isn’t time to forget how we created it. Here we quickly become adept to our transmutation process. Compassion is increasingly present. We do this with being present and on guard to the thought, emotion and words/vibrations that arise in the unravelling process of our own unconscious emerging.

Gradually, thought, word and emotion holds to a vibration of benevolence/love. The Heart Space.

The following download has more practical applications to the process of regaining our natural state of consciousness.

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