Inner/Yang Outer/Yin
The Filters of the Mental & Emotional Body’s
The processing/releasing of trauma begins with a willingness to change. Practically it means the willingness to feel and be present as ‘things’ continue to surface. Keeping a check on our reaction to making ‘it’ stop, fixing it, justifications or any other way we may attempt avoidance. Tenaciousness is required to look within, to be present to our thoughts, words and emotion.
Making time each day to observe and transmute our internal (mental/emotional) creations is a great habit to cultivate. At times we may ‘see’ or feel another persons process. This is natural. In group work this can be used to go deeper into ourselves, taking care to mind our own internal business.
Internal observation is brought forth through stillness. With this stillness (no voluntary movement), we manage the breath without pause. When our nutrition is vital with available nutrients, the endocrine system is thriving to allow the suppressed emotion to rise into awareness where it may then be released through the powers of transmutation.
The inner consciousness (creative aspects) is referred to as Yang, the outer manifestation Yin in the consciousness work of Body Electronics. Compassion grows for both inner yang and outer yin when undergoing change of consciousness.
The Three Powers are imperative to change.
Feel WHAT you feel, WITH Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude. Simultaneously.