Emotional Evolution~

 Emotional Evolution~  Private & Group Sessionslotuslillies 2013 010

 Illia has been sharing teachings and facilitating groups in emotional transmutation for more than 20 years. Sharing simple yet profound techniques, the participant learns to release/transmute held emotion, and move more freely in emotional awareness. This opens space for increased creativity and healthy relationship. Addictive behaviors begin to drop away as the emotional body clears.  Illia is currently working on Salt Spring Island, B.C., Canada.

E-mail~ Illiaheart55@gmail.com 

“I highly recommend these teachings. Illia shares her extensive knowledge and wisdom with warmth and enthusiasm. The surprisingly simple techniques she teaches to transmute emotion- ’emotional evolution’ are very effective and truly profound.” Lori Franz Vokes, B.A.Sc., EFT Adv. and Quantum Touch Practitioner. 


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