Do onto others…

The ‘Golden Rule’ is a good place from which to live…to a point. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. This is a conscience builder for sure, yet at a certain point has to be expanded to include the art of temperance. This happens naturally as we transmute the emotional body to the point of transcending the level of anger (level 3). As we know in Body Electronics, as we pop into level 2- pain, we begin to see/feel/know sides of the scenario other than our own. From here, temperance begins. We carefully apply. When in doubt-don’t. At this point the ‘golden rule’ becomes ‘do onto others in the highest and best good of all’. Taking into consideration a multifaceted perspective. This perspective perpetually increases as we apply higher law. To an unending evolution. Tred carefully here, as the ego- ‘i know best’ pattern can sneak in and fool us. When we are truly coming from a multifaceted oneness perspective- doubt is not present. The this or that, back and forth comes into oneness (with a persistent application of transmutation) that includes both emotional and mental principles.

Emotional- Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude (the three powers).

Mental- The law of Light- Violet Flame, bring ‘both sides’ (duality) into a harmonious oneness. We can not jump to this level (pain) as the mind might want. The emotional body is transmuted from the bottom up- (in a organic way- not contrived) unconsciousness, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain, to enthusiasm. Enthusiasm being the top of each level (7×7) that contains the necessary elements to transmute that which is beneath it. Consistent daily practice.

For further reading- The Body Electronics Experience with Illia-

The Pink Book-NOV- ’16


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