The pulse of the torus field.

As represented by the moving sphere of what we call the Yin/Yang symbology, we can view the movement within the pulse that keeps the torus field alive and well. This field is found in several interconnected places within the human body that extends into the auric field. One in and around the solar plexus. One in and around the brain, one in and around the ‘heart centre’ of the body. These energy centres team up for a pulse that keeps the body connected to the earth and the sun. Microcosmic torus’ exists within every cell. Macrocosmic torus may be the Universe(s) itself. The breath of life. Fueled by LOVE.

When we look closely at how this energy moves, we see the energies ebb and flow in contraction and expansion. This also happens in consciousness. By containing emotion for example, without any compulsion to project or justify, we hold it in a pressure cooker while we apply The Three Powers of transmutation, hence taking us into an evolutionary maturation.

The word expansion is often used to describe an end game, yet to experience true oneness of spirit, we must embrace the dance of expansion/contraction, as shown in the torus field.

It is a perfect process of developing conscious awareness.

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