Three levels of consciousness in the emotional body.

We see movement of consciousness displayed in these three categories.

In the emotional body we observe dependent thought and memory in grief, apathy and unconsciousness at EVERY LEVEL IN THE 7 LEVELS.

We observe independent thought and memory at the level of fear and anger IN EVERY LEVEL AS WE MOVE THROUGH THE 7 MAJOR LEVELS, as these emotional energies are nested in each level. 7×7

With sufficient emotional transmutation we reach pain where we see how everything is interdependent. Compassion and forgiveness for ourselves releases held pain. Again experienced at each of the 7 levels. Experienced entirely differently in each, as we become increasingly aware in the upscale movement of emotion.

With enough enthusiastic love (which resides at the top of each level as the transmuting factor) we enter the consciousness of interdependence where healthy community begins. True cooperation through sovereignty.

As consciousness evolves in this way, it allows harmony (non resistance) to be present.

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